Provided Services

M&A and Corporate Finance
Melcofin & Co. offers the following services

Managing a discreet M&A sales projects

Providing execution support from the beginning to the end, be it in respect of bilateral sales discussions with one party, a limited or a broader sales process involving a larger group of buyers

Manage an M&A buy-side process

Supporting clients to identify and present targets, help buy-side clients to approach and unlock targets, including those that are known to clients. Depending on the in-house resources of a client, able to provide execution support throughout an M&A buy-process.

Our services

When managing an M&A sales or buy-side transaction process, we offer the following:

Company valuations, strategic M&A advisory on disposal, development of acquisitions and buy and build and exit strategies, advisory on optimal capital structure, capital raising, advisory on accelerated M&A processes, MBO and Buy-ins.


Melcofin & Co., on the back of its South African presence, has a long-standing track-record of offering strategic advisory services to larger European and international clients looking to penetrate selected fast-growing African markets. Our process includes :

  • basic market analysis and review of business opportunities  
  • partner identification 
  • execution of the strategy through M&A or JV/Partnerships.
Melcofin & Co. has also advised larger corporates on larger market-sensitive transactions and together with its senior advisory board are able to offer discreet and facilitation support at senior board level. Melcofin has in the past acted as co-advisor to larger investment banks and prior to them offering processing services related to larger public related takeover transactions.